Monday, October 30, 2017

Blog Evaluation week10

  • Explain your responsibility, as a scholar practitioner, to lead evaluation initiatives.
Performance in schools is increasingly judged on the basis of effective learning outcomes. Information is critical to knowing whether the school system is delivering good performance and to providing feedback for improvement in student outcomes.
As a practitioner, ensuring the evaluation and assessment framework, developing competencies for evaluation and for using feedback, securing links with classroom practice, and overcoming the challenges of implementation are vital
  • Explain what might be your greatest barrier and/or most important downfall to avoid when leading program evaluations and why.
I believe developing competencies for evaluation and for using feedback could be the most important downfall to avoid. The effectiveness of evaluation and assessment relies to a great extent on ensuring that both those who design and undertake evaluation activities as well as those who use their results possess the proper skills and competencies. This is crucial to provide the necessary legitimacy to those responsible for evaluation and assessment.

  • Describe how you might minimize this barrier and/or downfall to ensure that evaluations are effective.
Competencies for using feedback to improve practice are vital to ensure that evaluation and assessment procedures are effective. Assessment for improvement requires the inclusion of teachers in the process of school development and improvement. As a result, for instance, it is pertinent to include training for evaluation in initial teacher education alongside the development of research skills.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

assignment2module 5 assessment

Assistive technology devices are identified in the IDEA as “any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities.

The definition of an assistive technology device is very general and provides IEP teams with the flexibility to provide a range of technology solutions to assist students in completing tasks within relevant instructional or access areas. Technology is available to support student performance in academic areas such as writing, spelling, reading, and math. Moreover, assistive technology is available to support student performance and independence in communication, listening, mobility, recreation and leisure, vocational training, and daily living activities.

Examples of Assistive Technology:
Computer software and hardware, such as voice recognition programs, screen readers, and screen enlargement applications, help people with mobility and sensory impairments use computer technology.
In the classroom and elsewhere, assistive devices, such as automatic page-turners, book holders, and adapted pencil grips, allow learners with disabilities to participate in educational activities. With all technology issues with it can always arise. Software might have glitches, lock up, or lack power at times, inhibiting usage for the student.

First and foremost, assistive technology must be considered for all students based on the unique needs of the student. In order to effectively consider assistive technology, IEP teams must be knowledgeable about the student’s needs, abilities, and curriculum. Decisions regarding the consideration of assistive technology should be based on the student’s access to the general education curriculum as well as the individually defined special education program.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning. Purposeful assessment practices help teachers and students understand where they have been, where they are, and where they might go next. No one assessment can provide sufficient information to plan teaching and learning. Using different types of assessments as part of instruction results in useful information about student understanding and progress. Educators should use this information to guide their own practice and in partnership with students and their families to reflect on learning and set future goals.

Scenario 1:

Joe is a single father with three children.The oldest, Sadie, is in second grade.  The younger two kids go to a childcare center near Joe’s home.  Initially, Joe approached me (his daughter’s second grade teacher) because he needed help in finding childcare that matched his work schedule.  Joe worked a swing shift, so every-other-week, he needed child care from 3 p.m. until 11 p.m.  He had been using friends and acquaintances to cover this time frame, but the inconsistency was causing his daughter Sadie in my class to fall behind in her reading skills.  Besides, sometimes Joe used people that he barely knew - a situation that he worried about.  In addition, Joe was barely surviving financially and could only afford rent in a crumbling apartment house with no children’s play area.  The factory where he worked was threatening to close, and Joe knew he lacked skills to land a good job elsewhere.  He often was frustrated with his life and took it out on his children, yelling at them over minor infractions and feeling hopeless and isolated.  All of these problems placed Sadie and her siblings at risk. Her reading skills seemed to continue to fall, and her confidence in all of her language arts skills seemed to be decreasing. She did not turn in her homework, and she did not participate in class. She was unable to read at a second grade level. What assessment’s could be implemented to determine what specific skills she needed to improve on in terms of increasing her reading/language arts skills?

Scenario 2:

Danielle is a first grade student (7yrs.) who is struggling in her reading and written language classes. She is currently receiving special services for speech/language and has received these services since early Kindergarten. She attended Head Start prior to entering Kindergarten.
Danielle lives with her father, mother, older brother Brian, and younger sister, Ellen. Danielle likes school and thinks her teacher is a “great teacher.” Her favorite subject is math and her least favorite subject is reading.
According to her teacher, Danielle “uses her time wisely, works very hard in class, listens to instruction, and gets along well with her peers and adults.” Her teacher also notes that “weaknesses include understanding the content of what is being taught, remembering sight words, recalling and blending sounds to form words, reading fluency, and low test/quiz performance in her reading class.” Danielle has a 73% average in her reading.
Danielle has always struggled in reading. Her mother reported that she had difficulty learning the alphabet and rhyming words in preschool.At the first Kindergarten benchmark, she scored in the high risk category on Letter Naming Fluency (LNF) but did manage to achieve the end-of-the year goal by the May benchmark.